The Germans went from 1 to 9999, then to 1a -9999a, 1b to 9999b, etc. There were versions of these pistols in 9mm Parabellum. These markings are often used to identify surplus rifles. 1: The First World War and Weimar Years: Models 1900 to 1908, Markings, Variants, Ammunition, Accessories (Classic Guns of the World) Luc Guillou 4. SOLD Read more Luger K Date Sneak Code 9mm Mauser WWII Nazi $ 6,895. The Mauser manufacturer code 'byf' and '06' can be seen written on the toggle-lock slide. Mauser luger markings The front grip strap is marked 'O/3868', which according to Axis by Jan Still, is in the range of the Navy property numbers assigned to the 1934 Mauser Pocket pistols.